Sunday 16 April 2017
Looking decidedly wet with a medium south-westerly wind.
Looking decidedly wet with a medium south-westerly wind.
Looking to be a great day. Clear skies, medium wind from the South and warming up nicely 🙂
There will be the normal club ride (9am) and an Intro ride (9:30am) (see link). Cloudy with a chance of some sun and light winds from the north west.
Sun should be out with a medium wind from the west. Don’t forget that the clocks go forward on Saturday night.
Overcast but dry with a strong wind from the west.
Relatively mild and a light southerly breeze, but with a chance of some rain late morning.
Overcast with a good chance of rain. Medium wind from the South.
Cloudy with a slight chance of some sun. Medium wind from south-west strengthening to strong by the end of the morning.
Mild with a medium westerly wind. Dry with a chance of some sun 🙂
2 degrees, sleet, rain and a medium wind from the north-east. Rule number 5 applies this week I think!