Sunday 19 November 2017
Very cold, but dry with a medium north-westerly wind.
Very cold, but dry with a medium north-westerly wind.
Broken sunshine, but cold with north-westerly wind strengthening from medium to strong.
Bright, but cold with a medium westerly wind.
Strong westerly winds and a forecasted wet start to the club ride.
Overcast, but with a chance of the sun showing its face. Medium wind from the south-west…..
Overcast with a medium wind from the north-west.
There will be the normal club ride (9am) and an Intro ride (9:30am) (see link). Overcast with an outside chance of a little rain and a medium south-westerly wind.
Broken sunshine and a medium wind from the south-east.
Overcast with a light northerly wind and an autumn chill in the air.
Overcast with a strengthening medium wind from the south-west.